Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Installing Wireshark with OpenFlow dissector on Ubuntu

  1. sudo apt-get -y remove wireshark
  2. sudo apt-get -y install libgtk-3-dev libqt4-dev flex bison
  3. wget http://www.wireshark.org/download/src/wireshark-1.12.5.tar.bz2 (At the time of installation latest version was 1.12.5. If you unable to do this step, then see this link https://www.wireshark.org/download/src/ for latest version)
  4.  tar xvfj wireshark-1.12.5.tar.bz2
  5. cd wireshark-1.12.5
  6. ./configure
  7. make -j4
  8. sudo make install
  9. cd ..
  10.  sudo sh -c "echo '/usr/local/lib' >> /etc/ld.so.conf"
  11. sudo ldconfig
  12.  Now start wireshark.
  13. sudo wireshark &
  14. To see OpenFlow packets write "openflow_v1" in the filter box.


  1. http://sdnhub.org/forums/topic/wireshark-dissectore-fro-of-now-running-in-new-vm/
  2. http://askubuntu.com/questions/279853/permission-denied-error-when-editing-etc-ld-so-conf
  3. https://www.wireshark.org/download/src/

Friday, 1 May 2015

Using D-ITG Traffic Generator in Mininet

  1.   Login into Mininet VM.
  2.   $ sudo apt-get install unzip
  3.  $ sudo apt-get install g++
  4.  $ wget   http://traffic.comics.unina.it/software/ITG/codice/D-ITG-2.8.1-r1023-src.zip
  5.   $ unzip  D-ITG-2.8.1-r1023-src.zip
  6.  $ cd  D-ITG-2.8.1-r1023/src
  7.   $ make

Once done, the binaries will be copied into the ”D-ITG-2.8.1-r2058M/bin” directory.

Demo Tutorial:

  1. Download and install Xming X Server for Windows (http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/).
  2. Login into Mininet VM via PuTTY with X11 forwarding option selected.
  3. Login into Mininet (this session is for controller setup).
  4. $ cd  ~/pox
  5. $ ./pox.py forwarding.l2_learning
  6. Now run these commands into the first PuTTY session.
  7. $ cd ~
  8. $ sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6633 
  9. $ xterm h1
  10. $ xterm h2 
  11. Now in the xterm window of h2, run these commands.
  12. $ cd D-ITG-2.8.1-r1023/bin
  13. $ ./ITGRecv 
  14. Now in the xterm of h1, run these commands.
  15. $ cd D-ITG-2.8.1-r1023/bin
  16. $ ./ITGSend –T UDP  –a –c 100 –C 10 –t 15000 -l sender.log –x receiver.log 
  17. Now to analyze the logs, run these command.
  18. Run this in the xterm of h1.
  19. $ ./ITGDec sender.log

  20. Similarly run this on h2.
  21. $ ./ITGDec receiver.log 
  1. mininet.org/walkthrough/
  2. traffic.comics.unina.it/software/ITG/manual/